Over the years, I have researched and used many different technologies and software, to use in my business. It has taken countless hours of research to picking out ‘the best’ ones to use in my business.
Therefore, I want to share this with you, so you can save yourself a whole bunch of time, and can benefit from the research I’ve done myself to pick out ‘the best’ technology or software to use in my business.
I put ‘the best’ between apostrophes, because they are the best to use for me and my business, for my needs in my business and at the time that I researched them. It could be that you find other software to be a better fit for your business, and in the meantime of me writing this, other alternatives might have been launched, but I do check regularly if there is another software that tops the ones that I’m using, so I do update this list as and when another product suits me better.
If you want to take a shortcut, be sure that there has gone a lot of comparison and research towards this list, and you, as my client, are very welcome to benefit from that and to check out my tech list below.