
This workbook is really the foundation of your start in this program. It is important for me to know what your business is about and where you are now to guide you through the program as effectively and efficiently as possible.
But it is equally important for you to reflect and see exactly what your current situation is and where you want to get to.

Knowing this will help you see the evolution you will make, it will motivate you to push forward when things seem a bit harder, and it will help you become great at selling and finding your own way in doing it with integrity and dignity, without losing your sanity along the way.


1. Please watch the video and download the workbook, so you can start filling out the Groundwork for your business. (Depending on the PDF program that you're using, you can fill it out on your computer in the document, but you can also print out the document on paper and fill it out or even answer the questions in Word. Whatever you're most comfortable with.)

2. Also download the KPI Goal Setting Excel sheet and watch the video that goes with it on how you can use the sheet to set your own goals for your business.

3. Let me know via Slack if you have any questions.

The Groundwork - Workbook

KPI Goal Setting SHEET