When you get to a sales conversation, you have done most of the hard work:

1. You know your ‘ideal’ client through and through and you know what they find important, and exactly what their pains, problems and needs are.

2. You know how to position yourself, so you attract the right type of customers.

3. You're prepared for any objections they might have, so you’re ready to pre-empt or overcome them easily.

4. You know the path your ICA walks before they get to the decision making point.

5. You have a process in place to reach out to potential customers, trigger their interest and get your foot in the door, so you can get that sales meeting.

6. AND you know the principles of Persuasive Communication and how you can influence a potential client to like & trust you quicker.

So now you’re at the point where you have worked towards. 

The chance to present and sell your product or service.
This will be YOUR moment, so make it count!

You want to be well prepared, focused and ready to win that potential customer or client over, and to make them a fan.

In this module, we will walk through the different steps that ‘make a sale’ and map them out for you, so you can follow these steps during your sales conversations.

You can use the template in the bonus and the steps described in the introduction to make your own bespoke sales flow, so watch the video, read through the introduction and fill out the workbook to create your own persuasive sales conversation.

P.S. Bonus III has opened up as well 🙂