
About Liesbeth

Let me introduce myself...

I JUST LOVE SALES! You might think I’m a unicorn, but truth be told, the reason why I love sales is because the way I do it allows me to love it.

Having grown up in a family of entrepreneurs and business owners, I’ve seen first hand what it takes to build a business and how hard it can be to grow it consistently.

Sadly, all things ‘sales’ have suffered a bad reputation over the years because of the pushy and sleazy methods used by the kind of aggressive sales rep that we have all become so painfully accustomed to.

What I’ve always known is that – when done right – selling can truly be an act of service rather than an act of force.

My way of doing sales is elegant, effortless and naturally effective. 

There is no better sense of satisfaction in business than closing a sale that you generated in full integrity, and in a selling style that feels both natural and honest.

When they first approach me, 95% of new clients make no secret of the fact that they absolutely hate selling.

 What they quickly realise after working with me is that the reason why they felt that way is that, until they met me, they didn’t know how to sell in a way that is aligned, elegant and effective.

You see, consumer psychology and consumer awareness have greatly evolved. 

As a result, the dubious tactics that may have worked a few years ago no longer work today. Which is great news, because this has paved the way for a way of selling that is not only effective, but that also feels great both to those who are selling, and those who are being sold to.

Gone are the days of hardcore selling.
Today, the only way to sell effectively is to sell ethically, and with passion.

How it all got started...

After gaining my Master's degree in Commercial Sciences from Brussels University, I secured a number of work positions, but for some reason none of them really felt right.

The moment I secured my first sales job, I instantly knew that I was born to sell. I’d be lying if I said it was all plain sailing though. It was a steep learning curve as I was sent out with an extensive catalogue of technical tools, and a list of low-quality leads.

There was I, a young woman in an all-male environment, trying to sell tools to experienced tradespeople who had been working with them for longer than I even existed!

But I had the passion, and the drive, and despite the tricky circumstances, I became one of the top salespeople in the company. I developed my own signature ethical sales process and, as a result, I became solely responsible for a 200% increase in sales.

Even in a time and age where the pushy selling tactics were the norm, my signature way of doing sales, with elegance and with a conscience, proved far more effective than any sleazy tactic.

When I arrived in the U.K ...

After moving from Belgium to England, I accepted a sales position in an IT company specialising in data security software, thus switching from a product-based to a service (SaaS)-based sales capacity.

After hugely growing the territory, I was quickly made Regional Team Leader, and became responsible for training and coaching team members, as well as the business development of the whole Belgian Territory, consistently outperforming sales targets by as much as 50%.

While working with different types of businesses in these roles, I realised that there are a lot of entrepreneurs out there that have an amazing expertise or product to offer, but find it hard to grow their business around it.

Seeing this, I felt that my passion lay in helping these entrepreneurs to thrive. More than that, growing up in a family of entrepreneurs, I felt that I almost had a responsibility to take my persuasive sales methods and help them sell their products and services.

That’s when I decided to take my sales skills and use them to show other professionals and business owners on how to do sales the ethical and effective way.

That was 2016, and I’ve never looked back.

Ever since, I’ve made it my mission to coach other entrepreneurs on how to sell in a way that is effective, elegant, ethical and aligned.

I specialise in developing tailored step-by-step sales processes to fit the individual entrepreneurs’ (brand) personality and business, so that they can go out and sell with confidence, and in a way that has them feeling excited about bringing their products and services to the world, and hugely grow their business in the process.

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'How to transform your business into a predictable and scalable success story' (...without turning into a pushy salesperson, making costly mistakes, or wasting time figuring it out on your own)

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