Don’t forget to take care of yourself!
We’re all very busy! Family, work, staying healthy, running around getting things done, life (!)… juggling a million things at a time!
But it all can get a bit much sometimes, and then you need to stop, just pause for a bit, and take some time for yourself.
For me, that means getting away from my laptop, getting away from the chores in the house, getting away from everything I *have* to do, and just take care of myself. Doing something that clears my head, that helps me regenerate and recharge my batteries again.
Sometimes that can be a short meditation, doing some cooking, or a bit of yoga, but these days, I spend sooo much time behind my laptop that I need to do something active and so, more often, I just take my dog out, in the beauty of nature, and walk it off while enjoying the fresh air. It gives me something to do, it gives my body the exercise it needs, and at the same time, it clears my head and gives me perspective on the things I’ve been doing.
A couple of weeks ago, I was shown again how taking care of yourself and your mindset is so important! I had a Strategy Call with a lovely lady, and while we were talking, I realised that she was incredibly drained and (mentally) tired. She was trying to do so many things at once, that she forgot all about herself, and it reminded me again of the importance of taking care of yourself and your own mindset.
She completely ignored herself, because she wanted to make her business work and was trying so many different things at the same time, but in the meantime, she forgot about the most important thing, and that was her own wellbeing and her own mindset.
She was completely shattered and at the end of our conversation she agreed that she needed to focus on herself again and take out some ‘me-time’ before anything else.
Even when it seems that there’s no time for it, you can’t ignore yourself, so make sure to set aside whatever you’re doing from time to time. Don’t worry, it won’t run away! It’s not the end of the world if it doesn’t get done in next hour either, it will still be there when you come back.
Just go on and do what you feel is ‘taking care of yourself’. Maybe it’s going out for a walk, or taking a long hot bath, cooking a nice meal, or reading a book, … try to do something that centers you, that clears your head, and that strengthens your mind and your mindset. But most of all, don’t forget about yourself.