
Effective, Effortless and Elegant

How can you get better at sales and feel more confident doing it, even if you’re not a ‘sales person’? <img draggable=

Well, by finding a way to do it more Effectively, Effortlessly and Elegantly.
Sales and Selling has got a bad rap over the last few decades, but selling your services doesn’t have to be difficult or painful, it can actually be very enjoyable and easy once you know how to do it in a way that feels natural to you. <img draggable=
There is no one size fits all when it comes to selling, because everyone is different and every business is different, so it asks for customized ways of selling.
The old way of selling, which is catchy sales lines <img draggable=, slightly pushy sales people and putting pressure on the buyer, is long gone… People have evolved, human psychology has evolved, we’re much more ‘switched on’ when we make a purchase, so don’t treat people as if it’s the 50ies.
Show them the respect and treat them with understanding and kindness, because that’s the way you WILL get a sale and you WILL create the necessary connection with a lead or prospect to easily sell your services. <img draggable=
I hear you say: “Easier said than done… but how can I do this?” <img draggable=
Well, you need to look at your sales strategy as a whole process that is aligned with you and your business goals, all different cogs that need to fit together, but if you start with the following tips, you’ll notice a massive difference in your sales conversations and sales numbers already:
<img draggable= Make sure that you know your clients through and through
<img draggable= Remember their pains, problems or needs
<img draggable= Learn from your peers and competition
<img draggable= Be honest and focus on what your clients need
<img draggable= Be confident about your offering and how it can help
<img draggable= See objections as the start of a negotiation, not the end
<img draggable= Don’t focus on selling, but on matching the right person to your services
<img draggable= Ask for the sale. If you’ve done your work well and gone through your sales conversation with the right structure, you will close the sale effectively, effortlessly and elegantly, and you can just ask if they’re happy to move forward.
Don’t make it harder than need be… You’re already busy running your business and serving your clients, don’t make sales something to add to that list. Sales can feel like second nature to you if you do it the right way! <img draggable=<img draggable=
<img draggable= Get in touch and let me know what you struggle with the most when selling your services and I’m happy to make it the subject of one of my next posts! <img draggable=

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'How to Transform Your Business into a Predictable and Scalable Success Story' (...Without Turning into a Pushy Salesperson, Making Costly Mistakes, or Wasting Time Figuring it out on Your Own)